Subjective age-of-acquisition norms for 4,640 verbs in Spanish
Many studies have shown that how words are processed in a variety of language-related tasks is affected by their age of acquisition (AoA). Most AoA
Many studies have shown that how words are processed in a variety of language-related tasks is affected by their age of acquisition (AoA). Most AoA
Subjective estimations of age of acquisition (AoA) for a large pool of Spanish words were collected from college students in Spain. The average score for each word (based on 50 individual
In this article, normative data on the familiarity and difficulty of 196 single-solution Spanish word fragments are presented. The database includes the following indices: difficulty,
Se obtuvieron datos de fuerza asociativa intracategorial y de familiaridad subjetiva para 612 palabras pertenecientes a seis categorías diferentes. Estas palabras fueron evaluadas por un
Associative word knowledge changes throughout our lives (Anderson,1983). Thus, the organization and use of this knowledge may vary as a function of cognitive development. However,
Associative word knowledge changes throughout our lives (Anderson,1983). Thus, the organization and use of this knowledge may vary as a function of cognitive development. However,
Normas de asociación libre para 400 palabras
Knowledge of specific characteristics of verbal material is imperative in cognitive research, and this need calls for periodical updating of normative data. With this aim,
Presentamos un estudio normativo en el que se clasifican 100 palabras del español según el número de acepciones de que constan. El índice de polisemia